G.A.P.P. Webinar Series

A peer-to-peer learning and resource sharing platform to address Goals in Accrual, Performance, and PPI.


Led by the Network’s cancer centres, G.A.P.P. aims to provide timely opportunities for clinical research professionals in the Network to address commonly reported challenges in meeting identified goals, as well share successful strategies and/or approaches in clinical trial conduct.

This facilitated, peer-led webinar series is specific for clinical trial investigators, managers, coordinators, and patient representatives conducting and/or affiliated with Canadian academic cancer clinical trials. 

To be notified of upcoming G.A.P.P. Webinar sessions, contact info@3ctn.ca.

Previous G.A.P.P. Webinars

Webinar Session #1 Remote Monitoring

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Presentation Summary: This webinar session will provide information on current clinical trial remote monitoring processes implemented at cancer centres through the lens of a large vs. small cancer centre. Common challenges, such as operation efficiency, will be addressed and resources proven successful will be shared.

Chair: Krista Rideout, Eastern Regional Health Authority (NL)

Presenters: Susanna Sellmann, Shrutakirti Kulkarni, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, UHN (ON), Janice Jansen-Pereira, Lakeridge Health (ON)

Slides: Lakeridge Health’s PresentationPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre’s Presentation

Recording: Webinar Session #1 Remote Monitoring

Webinar Session #2 Remote Consenting

Tuesday, June 22, 2021  

Presentation Summary: This webinar session will discuss considerations and challenges when implementing remote consent. Various perspectives will be provided throughout the session including, a trial coordinator via a case study, a research ethics officer from a central review board, and a patient partner as the session chair.

Chair: Don Wood, Cross Cancer Institute (AB)

Presenters: Brittany Speller, Juravinski Cancer Centre (ON), Alison van Nie, Ontario Cancer Research Ethics Board (ON)

Slides: Ontario Cancer Research Ethics Board’s PresentationJuravinski Cancer Centre’s Presentation

Recording: Webinar Session #2 Remote Consenting

Webinar Session #3 Effective Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Strategies

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Presentation Summary: This session will focus on effective PPI strategies and how it can be implemented at local cancer centres.

Chair: Debra Walker, 3CTN Patient Representative Advisory Council and Performance Strategy Team

Presenters: Dr. Victoria Forster, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hospital for Sick Children (ON), Chris Normandeau, Director, Research Partnerships and Investment – Cancer Research and Analytics, Alberta Health Services(AB), Don Wood, Patient Partner, 3CTN Patient Representative Community of Practice (PRCoP) (AB)

Recording: Webinar Session #3 Effective Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Strategies

Webinar Session #4 Implementing CRAFT for Pediatric Cancer Centres

Wednesday, June 1, 2022  

Presentation Summary: The Canadian Remote Access Framework for Clinical Trials (CRAFT) helps enable clinical trial participation by enabling pathways of access between sites offering a clinical trial and patients at non-participating sites. This session will provide an overview of the Canadian Remote Access Framework for Clinical Trials (CRAFT) and site considerations for implementation, with discussion focused on pediatric implementation. Learn more about the experience from a CRAFT Proof of Concept site and contribute to facilitated discussions to develop actionable approaches to overcome anticipated barriers or challenges to implementation.

Chair: Kathy Brodeur-Robb, Executive Director, C17 and Antonia Palmer, Patient/Parent Representative

Presenters: Paul Gibson, Associate Medical Director, Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario, Carol Digout, Executive Director, APPHON, Stephen Sundquist, Executive Director, 3CTN,Mary Jean Howitt, COG Regional Clinical Trial Coordinator, IWK Health Centre, Krista Rideout, Manager, Clinical Research, Eastern Health, Jacqueline Limoges, Chair, Ontario Cancer Research Ethics Board, Jennifer Cox, Manager, Research Contracts, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and Bianka Courcelle, Research Nurse, CHU-Sainte Justineer Centre (ON), Alison van Nie, Ontario Cancer Research Ethics Board (ON)

Slides: Webinar Session #4 Implementing CRAFT for Pediatric Cancer Centres

Recording: Webinar Session #4 Implementing CRAFT for Pediatric Cancer Centres

Webinar Session #5 Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units Part I

Wednesday, February 3, 2023

Presentation Summary: Network member sites have reported ongoing challenges with staff recruitment, onboarding, staff development and retention. This webinar will provide an overview of the strategies implemented by two cancer centres to address staffing challenges and participants will contribute to facilitated discussions to develop actionable approaches to overcome anticipated challenges.

Chair & Presenters: Susanna Sellmann, Clinical Research Manager, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Robyn Huffels, Interim Manager, Clinical Research, Northeast Cancer Centre

Slides: Webinar Session #5 Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units

Recording: Webinar Session #5 Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units

Webinar Session #6 Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units Part II

Thursday, February 23, 2023  

Presentation Summary: The webinar will provide a recap from the first part of the Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units session and continue the conversation through facilitated discussions to develop actionable approaches to overcome anticipated staffing challenges.

Chair: Susanna Sellmann, Clinical Research Manager, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Robyn Huffels, Interim Manager, Clinical Research, Northeast Cancer Centre

Slides: Webinar Session #6 Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units Part II

Recording: Webinar Session #6 Overcoming Staffing Challenges at Trial Units Part II

Webinar Session #7 EMR Implementation: Epic

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Presentation Summary: The implementation of hospital-wide EMR systems and resulting process integration have been reported as presenting challenges for Network Cancer Centre trial units. This webinar will feature two teams whose institutions have implemented Epic EMR who will provide an overview of lessons learned and facilitate open discussions featuring helpful tips and adaptive strategies for those anticipating similar system adoption. Future webinars will support those anticipating adoption of other EMR products.

Chair & Presenters: Barbara Georgiades, Digital Apps Senior Specialist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Brenda Kowaleski, Clinical Manager, Clinical Trials, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Bianca Bier, Quality Specialist, Juravinski Cancer Centre

Slides: Webinar Session #7 EMR Implementation: Epic at Juravinski Cancer Centre, Epic at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Recording: Webinar Session #7 EMR Implementation: Epic