When: Thursday, Sept 28, 2023, 12:00 pm -1:00 pm EDT
Trial #1: (UHN) PLAN
Prevention of persistent pain with Lidocaine infusions in breast cancer surgery
Speaker: James Khan, MD, Assistant Professor and Clinician-Scientist, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, University of Toronto.
Trial #2: (CCTG) CRC.10 / NRG-GI008
A phase II/III study to determine chemotherapy recommendations based on ctDNA presence or absence after colon cancer surgery.
Speakers: 1) Jonathan Loree, MD, Medical Oncologist at BC Cancer, Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia. 2) Chris O’Callaghan, DVM, MSc, PhD, Senior Investigator – Canadian Cancer Trials Group, Professor of Department of Public Health Sciences, Queen’s University
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